First Aid For The Treatment Of Burns

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Overview Of Burns

  • Most minor burns will eventually heal on their own, and treating them at home is generally all that is required to alleviate your symptoms and promote healing.
  • But if you believe you might have a more serious injury, apply first-aid techniques until your GP can assess you.

First Aid For Burns

Most slight burns will heal eventually heal on their own, and treating them at home is generally all that is required to alleviate your symptoms and encourage healing.
Most slight burns will heal eventually heal on their own, and treating them at home is generally all that is required to alleviate your symptoms and encourage healing.
  • Firstly, stop the burning to avoid a more serious burn.
  • For heat burns (also known as thermal burns): suffocate any flames by throwing water or a blanket over. If your clothes catch fire, running should be avoided: stop, drop, and roll to stifle the flames.

Let Your GP Examine You Burn

If you are going to visit your GP:

  • Shield the burn with a fresh, dry cloth to decrease the threat of infection.
  • Do not place any treatment on the burned area, so your GP can properly evaluate your burn.
  • Do not place butter or ice on the affected area, because these methods do not relieve the pain and can harm the skin tissue.

Treating Minor Burns

For treating first-degree burns at home:

  • Use cool materials on the region that has burned.
  • Take regular baths or showers.
  • Rub some soothing creams that have aloe vera to the burned region to relieve discomfort and inflammation. Note: Do not apply the cream on kids below the age of 2 except if your GP tells you to.
  • There is not much you can do if your skin starts to peel after a sunburn – it forms part of the healing process. Cream might help relieve the burning.
  • Other treatment methods, such as chamomile, might help alleviate your sunburn symptoms.

 Related Video On Burns

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