asthma attacks

Treating asthma attacks

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Asthma is a long-lasting health condition that causes a person to wheeze, cough and they become out of breath. The degree as to how bad these symptoms get differs from person to person. But, it is a condition in which people can manage.

Asthma is a long lasting health condition that causes a person to wheeze, cough and be out of breath. The degree as to how bad these symptoms are being is going to range from person to person.
Asthma is a long-lasting health condition that causes a person to wheeze, cough and be out of breath. The degree as to how bad these symptoms are being is going to range from person to person.

Asthma is a condition that is triggered when the lungs becoe congested. When a person has asthma, the bronchi become more sensitive and inflamed compared to a normal person. When a person comes into contact with something that triggers their asthma, they are going to feel:

  • Their chest becomes firm and tight
  • They have issues with breathing
  • May start to make wheezing sounds
  • Start to cough more intensely

There are times in which an acute attack of asthma can be life threatening, and will require emergency treatment. Children who are diagnosed with this at a young age can outgrow this condition. However, for those who are diagnosed as an adult, they are more than likely not going to outgrow this condition.

Triggers and causes of asthma

It is not really sure what causes asthma. However, it does run in families. The triggers that result in asthma symptoms can vary. The most common triggers include:

  • Cold air
  • Tobacco smoke
  • Chalk dust
  • House dust
  • Chest infection

For those who work outdoors or those exposed to a lot of physical activity, their asthma may be triggered rather quickly as compared to a normal person.

What is an attack?

An asthma attack is when your asthma and symptoms become worse. They can come on unexpectedly and can be minor or quite serious.

What occurs when a person experiences an asthma attack?

  • The muscles in your airways constrict, tightening the airway.
  • Less oxygen is able to move through the airway.
  • Swelling of the airways rises which additionally constricts the airway.
  • More phlegm is created in the airways, reducing the movement of air even more.


The idea of treatment for asthma is to find medications that are going to ease the symptoms the person is suffering with. They are also meant to help lower the number of attacks that a person is having. Using a combination of medications, along with changing your lifestyle can help to manage this issue.

When to see a doctor

If you experience asthma you must see your GP. They will aid you to find out what causes your asthma and how to avoid those triggers. You will also be given medicines which will aid you in dealing with your asthma.

As time goes on you will learn to stay away from triggers that aggravate your airways, learn when to take your medicine, and manage your asthma better. Proper asthma management lets you take part in standard everyday events.

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