baby acne

How to manage baby acne

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Baby acne is a common condition that develops on the skin of newborn babies. It can develop anywhere on the face, but usually common on the cheeks, nose and the forehead. Baby acne disappears on its own without scarring.

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Symptoms of baby acne

  • It usually develops within the first 2-4 weeks after birth.
  • Sometimes, some babies can develop small white bumps on the chin, nose or cheeks known as milia.


Baby acne
It can develop anywhere on the face, but usually common on the cheeks, nose and the forehead.
  • Wash the face of the baby with warm water and mild baby soap. A mild moisturizing soap that contains high percentage of emollients can also be used. Avoid washing the face of the baby more than once to prevent irritation and cause the oil producing glands to work and produce more baby acne.
  • After washing the skin of the baby, just pat it dry. Avoid scrubbing it with a towel to prevent irritation and making the condition worse. A sponge or washcloth can be used to wipe the skin of the child.
  • Avoid applying lotion on the affected face of the baby to prevent making the condition worse. To prevent dryness of the face, use a moisturizing soap when cleaning the skin to minimize dryness and pat the skin dry as soon as possible. If the skin looks dry, use a non-oily cream and apply to the rest of the body.
  • Do not pop or squeeze the bumps on the skin to prevent irritation and making the condition worse that can also increase the risk for infection.
  • Apply breast milk on the affected skin of the baby. Breast milk has antimicrobial properties that is good for the condition.
  • Use a prescribed over-the-counter cream such as 1% hydrocortisone cream or an ionic colloidal silver solution for dry, itchy painful skin caused by baby acne that becomes severe. Apply the cream on the affected skin of the baby at least 2 times every day for 2 days. Ionic colloidal silver eliminates the bacteria that grows in the facial oil and relieves itchiness of the skin.
  • Use a prescribed cream if acne on the face of the baby causes pain or discomfort or if it last for more than a month. Apply the cream at least once every day for 20-30 minutes after washing the baby.
  • If the baby is 4-6 months old, the bumps on the skin of the baby can be eczema which is the next common skin condition that can develop among babies. This condition can be due to an allergic reaction to a new food being introduced to the diet. Seek medical advice before introducing a new food or beverage to prevent any reactions.


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