Is Doing a First Aid Course Hard?

Fact Checked

Lots of people are worried that when they attend a first aid course such as emergency or standard first aid that it may be difficult. People have a tendency to want to do well and to pass the course. Because of this tendency some participants stress before class about whether it will be difficult and whether or not they will pass the course. Let’s examine how difficult first aid really is.

Physical Difficulty

When learning basic first aid, as a rescuer, you will be required to do some slightly physically demanding tasks. You’ll learn to roll over victims using a volunteer, you’ll need to do chest compressions on a mannequin and you may need to move a victim (in some classes). You’ll need to be somewhat physically fit to successfully complete your first aid course.

Mentally Challenging

Some first aid courses can be mentally challenging like advanced first aid where you’ll have to do a whole gauntlet of rescues while timed. Emergency and standard first aid aren’t as difficult but you’ll have to complete a multiple choice test at the end as well as display the skills you’ve learned during simulations.


Most participants that come to class, without serious injury, pay attention and have fun typically pass the course. Participants that attend St Mark James Training are also given the opportunity to retake the course in case they incomplete the first time around. Most participants, around 95%, successfully complete the standard or emergency first aid class the first time around. However, if you plan on attending after a full night out or with a broken arm it may not be the best idea. You will definitely increase your chances of passing if your healthy and well rested.

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