A bone spur on top of the foot is a bony projection along a normal bone. These spurs develop when the bone repair itself by forming additional bone. They can also form due to pressure and stress that happen for long periods of time.
These bone spurs are smooth and cause discomfort when it brushes on other bones, soft tissues such as tendons, ligaments or nerves. It can also happen anywhere in the skeletal system. A common cause of pain in the foot is a bone spur especially among the elderly.
Causes of a bone spur on top of the foot
- Old people are susceptible to bone spur on top of the foot due to severe stress, pressure or rubbing of the area for long periods of time. The wearing out of the cartilage due to the aging process can result to joint pain.
- Running, dancing and other activities that puts plenty of stress and pressure on the foot
- Wearing ill-fitting shoes
- Bruising can result to the accumulation of calcium.
Pain and swelling and immobility of the foot.
- Some people have bone spurs but does not show a symptom
- If pressing on adjacent bone or tissue that causes the tendon to moves against each other, they might break the tissue over time.
- Pain and swelling and immobility of the foot
- Formation of corn and callous
- Stiffness and numbness of the area
- Tender and red
- Apply an ice pack on the affected joint for at least 4-5 times every day to lessen the inflammation. Heat can also be applied to the area. Another alternative is to take a bath by alternating hot and cold water to lessen the pain and inflammation.
- Warm linseed oil and soak a cheesecloth and place it over the bone spur. Cover the cloth using plastic. Place a heating pad over the affected area for a couple of hours to lessen the pain and swelling.
- Take the prescribed 500-1500 mg of curcuma at least 3 times every day to relieve the pain and be sure to take it on empty stomach. Curcuma is also known as turmeric that can be used to treat a variety of different ailments.
- Take the prescribed pain medications such as ibuprofen and naproxen to lessen the swelling. Take ibuprofen together with food to lessen the possibilitiy of stomach upset and avoid taking these medications if using diuretics or blood pressure medications.
- Avoid being overweight to lessen the pressure that is exerted on the affected bones.
- Seek the help of the physical therapist for some rehabilitation exercises to restore the range of motion, aerobic conditioning and muscle-building exercises to strengthen and regain the muscle tone.