Naphthalene poisoning is brought about by ingestion of the toxic substance usually in moth repellents, lavatory deodorizers, and a compound for industrial use. Generally, this harmful compound is mostly present in an industrial use such the production of dyes, fungicides, wood preservatives, vermicides and toilet deodorants.
The way someone can acquire naphthalene poisoning can be either accidental or intentional through the intake of the substance or products that contain the harmful substance.
Signs and symptoms of naphthalene poisoning
- At first, fever
Carefully remove the victim from the exposure area to a place with fresh air immediately and confirm that the airways are protected, and ensure that the victim is breathing and there is a presence of a pulse. - Difficulty in urinating, due to decreased urine flow and pain during urination
- Presence of blood in the urine
- Difficulty breathing
- Rapid heart rate
- Low blood pressure
- In addition, nausea with stomach pain, which may also include vomiting and diarrhea
- Pale skin
- Drowsiness
- Confusion
- Seizures
- Lastly, coma
First aid
- If someone you know or around you who has naphthalene poisoning is unconscious or has life-threatening symptoms, call 911 immediately. Generally, you should also call your poison control center for further instructions, provide them with information on the compound, amount of the compound and time of ingestion, age, weight and general health status of the victim.
- Carefully remove the victim from the exposure area to a place with fresh air immediately and check the airways. Ensure that the victim is breathing and there is a pulse.
- If exposure to the eye occurs, wash the eye thoroughly with extensive amounts of water, do this for at least fifteen minutes.
You can prevent naphthalene poisoning in your home or work from happening to you or the people around you by:
- Reading and following the instructions for using any health or cosmetic products you have.
- Storing your cosmetics, medications, and any other healthcare products in containers that are out of reach of children.
- Keeping any poisonous or dangerous chemicals and other materials in a safe location that is out of reach of children.
- Wearing appropriate protective wear when working with such chemicals.
- Keep all the poisonous substances in your home correctly labeled and stored in a location that is out of reach of children.
Disclaimer / More Information
The material posted on this page on naphthalene poisoning is for learning purposes only. Learn to recognize the signs and how it is managed by taking a first aid and CPR class with one of our training providers.